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École Van Belleghem PAC runs a hot lunch program in the school for Grades 1 to 8. Lunch is offered from various vendors to provide nice variety for the students. See below for some of our vendors. Hot lunch is typically offered a couple of times a month and parents will be notified by email to submit their orders online.

All ordering is done online using the website

In order to purchase hot lunch, you will need to create an account and add your child and select their teacher. If you already have an account from last year, you can login and update your child’s grade and teacher and start ordering!


1) Go to:

2) Click the “Register Here” button. The system will guide you through the registration process.

3) After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order.

4) Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.


If you need assistance with ordering, or do not have access to the internet, please contact or 204-292-2254. We are always in need of Volunteers for Pizza Day! If you are able to volunteer please come to the school for 11am on Pizza Day. Thank you in advance for helping out!

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Important Notes:


• Payment for lunches may be made online, by cash or cheque.

• Cash/cheque payments are to be delivered to the school by 3pm on the order deadline date. Please make cheques out to École Van Belleghem PAC. Late payments will not be accepted.

• For online orders, you will be able to order lunch - one day at a time, multiple days or all days. You have up until 7 days prior to the hot lunch date to order lunch. Late orders cannot be accepted. 

• We raise more money when you pay for multiple dates at a time rather than one date at a time. Please take this into consideration when paying for orders.

• *Please note if your child is ill on a lunch date, you are welcome to come and pick up their lunch by 11:45am; otherwise please consider it a donation for a child who does not have a lunch. There are no refunds.

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